-    +----------------------------------------------------------------+
     |                       The Insight BBS.                         |
     |      File area # 36 ... VX_Net Release 3.xx Update Files.      |
 A '*' indicates that the file is new
 This update will require a minimum network software level of VX_Net 3.03.
 Please note however that this version has been replaced by VX_Net 3.14.
 VX_Net 3.14 is available for download in File Area 38.
 These files are here for historical reasons only.
 Filename       Size   Date  * Description
 --------       ----   ----  - -----------
VX313_1.EXE   365476 08-29-89  Self unpacking file of disk 1 - VX_Net 3.13
                               Run the EXE file on drive C: from a blank
                               formatted floppy (no system tracks) in drive A:
                               (ie A:} C:VX313_1 )
VX313_2.EXE   551289 08-29-89  Self unpacking file of disk 2 - VX_Net 3.13
                               Run the EXE file on drive C: from a blank
                               formatted floppy (no system tracks) in drive A:
                               (ie A:} C:VX313_2 )
CONSOLE.SYS    21538 03-20-89  Replacement file for VX_NET RELEASE 3.13.
                               Required if you run CONMGR.EXE on ethernet.
DTCSERV.EXE   120178 10-23-89  Self-unpacking Install files for DTC Server.
DTCINST.DOC    17154 10-23-89  Installation notes for DTC Server s/w
MAILSERV.EXE  139695 10-23-89  Self-unpacking Install files for Mail Server.
MAILINST.DOC    5540 12-21-88  Installation notes for Mail Server s/w
 These files are an intergral part of VX_Net 3.13 but may be of use on
 other releases. Don't download if you already have VX313_1.EXE and
 Filename       Size   Date  * Description
 --------       ----   ----  - -----------
OMNINET.IBM     8922 07-06-89  Vr 3.1.1 for MCA Corvus Omninet1 card.
SERVER.EXE     56357 07-05-89  Vr 3.1.3 - Overcomes EXEC FAILURE messages.
 These files will make up a 3 disk install pack that will enable the use
 (with some limitations) of DOS 4 based machines on VX_Net 3.13. The first
 file will create the general support disk, with a README.TXT file
 explaining the full install routine. The other two files make up a 2 disk
 backup set that will create a \DOSUTILS\DOS40 area on the server. ALL
 Filename       Size   Date  * Description
 --------       ----   ----  - -----------
DOS4WS1.EXE    57440 03-01-90  Self unpacking file - DOS 4.0 WS support.
                               Run the EXE file on drive C: from a blank
                               formatted floppy (no system tracks) in drive A:
                               (ie A:} C:DOS4WS1 )
DOS4WS2.EXE   701386 10-16-89  Self unpacking - \DOSUTILS\DOS40 backup 1 of 2
                               Run the EXE file on drive C: from a blank
                               formatted floppy (no system tracks) in drive A:
                               (ie A:} C:DOS4WS2 )
DOS4WS3.EXE   554561 10-16-89  Self unpacking - \DOSUTILS\DOS40 backup 2 of 2
                               Run the EXE file on drive C: from a blank
                               formatted floppy (no system tracks) in drive A:
                               (ie A:} C:DOS4WS3 )


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